Source Code Security Highlights of 2019 Report


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Source code theft is when a malicious insider, or someone outside of your organization, steals the source code to your software.

Threat from external actors is often spoken about. Every day we awake to news of a customer data breach or damaging data leaked online. But the problem of source code theft has flown under the radar. Very few software developers or development companies have talked about the issue.

Source code theft is an unspoken problem that is plaguing the software development industry. If you are a founder or CEO then you may have already asked yourself this question.

“What if my code ends up on the internet or with my competitors?”

When looking at this potential loss there are two factors to consider. One is economic. How would your business suffer financially if all your trade secrets were out in the open? For most software companies, it could sink them. The second factor is your reputation. How would your brand be damaged if it became known that an employee had walked away with your business’s crown jewels? At best it would be embarrassing and at worst it could damage your relationship with your customers.

In this report, you will be informed about Recent High-Profile Source Code Leaks, explore Source Code Security Best Practices, gain an in-depth understanding of Source Code Obfuscation, and get recommendations on How to Prevent Source Code Theft.